Jenna!!!! 🥹 I’m coming in with some astrological wisdom! You are spot on about the 7 year cycle. These are our Saturn dates (a very big part of my readings), and it is the most beautiful process, looking back and surmising all the big & small milestones of our lives through these 7 year checkpoints.

The first 7 year mark is a Saturn square, the breakpoint if you will, which is when relationships can end or go through a reckoning. It sounds like for you, your Saturn square of your move to Portland is a reflection of all the growth you’ve been through (Saturn’s speciality), which means it absolutely is the right path for you. 🥰

Thank you for sharing this beautiful story! It’s such a privilege to bear witness to your journey and growth. Sending you so much love always - Gwen

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Gwen! Thank you for sharing this! This is so interesting, and I love when astrology aligns with an intuitive feeling I’ve had 🤩 And thank you, as always, for reading, and adding your wise reflection to the conversation! I so appreciate you ✨

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Your cancer rising intuition is always spot on, trust it! 🥰🌟 love you!!

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Fascinating - is this the same concept as Saturn’s Return around age ~27?

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Yes! Saturn returns around age 28-30. Fascinatingly at age 27-28 (right before our Saturn return) we experience something called our nodal reversal — which often brings shakeups and changes that align us with our true path. For this reason many people think Saturn returns begin at age 27 coz it often feels very similar! Hope this helps 🤭😍

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Sep 4Liked by Jenna Britton

Congrats on 7 years! It seems impossible not to fall in love with Portland.

I do think a lot of those big changes I and others have made that made a difference in my life.

So many decisions had to be made in both of our lives for me to have met you! Not to be sappy.

But it’s weird thinking about. Like I can trace it all the way back to deciding to go to school at Miami 20 years ago. Had that not happened, I would have never met Aaron, never met Alison, never gotten to spend a weekend with 15 idiots in Palm Springs 🤣 Never have left you this long-winded comment on Substack.

Sometimes that scares the shit out of me. But it’s also empowering. Knowing I was in control of the good things to come, even if I didn’t realize it at the time.

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OMG, yes — I feel the same! Looking back like that helps me trust myself so much more; like actually, I kinda did know what I was doing even when I didn't feel like I knew what I was doing. And also, I love sappy 😊

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Congrats on 7 years here, Jenna! I too moved here in the month of August (he day before my birthday actually, so my Portland anniversary often goes unnoticed). I love that you took the time to reflect here, and got to celebrate with your mom. So sweet!

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Sep 7Liked by Jenna Britton

Moving really is such a seismic thing we get to do. Hearing you reflect on how it broke things open and made space for all this growth feels right to me. While I live in a place I don’t feel connected to really, I can see how even then I’ve felt that shifting of my insides. I personally love portland and if I could have my way, it’d be where we live. Maybe someday.

The 7 year things tracks for me, too.

And you know I love the in-between moments. I don’t know if you’ve heard of the stages of change model, but there are 5 stages and action is the 4th. That always made me laugh and feel relief. There is so much going on in the in-between.

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Oh, I'd heard that about the stages of change before and completely forgot about that — thank you for this reminder! It's so easy for me to forget that action is not the only thing that moves me forward.

If you ever find yourself in Portland — for a trip or as a resident — I hope you'll reach out :)

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I am so there. I may be there this fall 🍁

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